
Lybia- Cyrene - Accommodations and restoration of the archaeological area of Cyrene

Company M.P.&T. Engineering is holding the revaluation of Cyrene within retraining and development program of Libyan cultural heritage like Cyrene, Leptis Magna, Sabratha, Tolemaide and the Tripoli castle.

The retraining project concerns an archaeological area about 2.000.000 sqm where we outline the following aims:

- an easy connection between the most interesting archaeological sites, the improvement of the existent ways and a new public transportation like shuttle for a circle way around the area.

design a nwe building for a museum center constituted by three exposition buildings with different topics: the necropolis, ethnographic theme, the restoration using  the anastylosis type for the machinery exposition. 

- arrival of tourists organization: archaeological site accesses, facilities and parking area, restoration of the complex, realization of a new hotel on the area of the previous one.

the department, administration and documentation centers in order to restore the Superintendence offices, reorganization of library, lab and a new archives.

The project is developed following the big natural and anthropological pre-existences values : physically, geological signs, morphology, existent ways, compositional and architectonical elements, cultural aspects learned by multidisciplinary studies. The methodological approach shows how is possible to work on existence buildings in order to conserve them( historical, stratigraphic, material and  degrade analysis) and to design new buildings: geotechnical, hydrogeological, valuation for environmental impact, researching for sustainable solutions and genius loci references. Using this approach the team has incorporated guide lines suggested by Cyrene Declaration of 2007 and programmatic document of 2009 (Ramboll-Ecou) that has specific topics and operative methods.The aims put as central target of the strategical operation the functional and environmental retraining of the site, low environmental impact, analysis on typological and sustainable solutions, economic and social development of involved communities inside this Libyan area.

The project is a possible and coherent answer to these important requests through choices of:

- restoration and  reorganization of existent buildings working on limited areas;

development of a masterplan in urban scale concerning mobility plan for vehicles and pedestrian ways;

- revaluation of neglected buildings and areas using elements for order and safety management (enclosures, accesses and  lighting);

using traditional typologies, materials and techniques for mitigation landscape impact;

proposing eco-compatible technologies and sources of some alternative energies

sharing and spreading knowledges, both international and local level, educating professionals and involving communities of the surrounding area.     




Private company